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Jesús Vico 09-10-2012 131, Hispanic Society of America, lote 82
MIB 17677 | 56/02d | As | Bronze | 20,93 g (9); 31,57 mm (7)
Museus e instituições (4)
Hunterian Museum
23,01 g; 32 mm
MacDonald, George (1905): Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection. Vol. III. Further Asia, Northern Africa, Western Europe. Glasgow, p. 623, n. 2.
Hill, George Francis (1931): Notes on the Ancient Coinage of Hispania Citerior. Nueva York, n. 7-4.
Leilões (3)
Colecciones (1)
Cores Uría, Gonzalo 1392
23,17 g; 32 mm; 3 h
Cores Uría, Gonzalo; Cores Gomendio, María Cruz (2017): Colección Cores. Moneda antigua de la Península Ibérica. Parte I. Valencia, n. 1392.
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